Navigating Holidays Post-Divorce

As the holidays approach, you may be reminiscing about Christmases past and fondly recalling memories of your favorite holiday traditions and occasions marked by the gathering of family. If you have recently divorced, however, such memories may be stirring other feelings this time of year. You may be feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or just down...

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Debt and Divorce

Divorce goes to the heart of so much of a person’s life. It goes to the family structure. Where you live. Who you live with. It can also deeply impact a person’s financial situation. This can be the result of many things. It can be the result of the expenses and costs associated...

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Tax Consequences of Divorce

Going through a divorce can be difficult enough in and of itself. To know that you also need to be looking ahead to post-divorce life in order to best protect yourself and your well-being as you start off on a new chapter in your life can be overwhelming. One of the considerations you should...

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Can I Oppose Divorce?

Way back when, a divorce in Texas would only be granted for certain, specified reasons. To seek a divorce, a spouse had to both allege and prove one such specific reason to get a divorce. Should he or she be unsuccessful in proving the alleged reason for seeking a divorce, then the divorce...

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