two sisters of different ages hugged and crying in the attic of the house, their big toy bear is with them, they are scared

Safety Planning: Strategies for Domestic Violence Victims

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects countless individuals and families.  If you or someone you care about is facing this situation, creating a safety plan is essential. Here, we offer practical strategies to help you identify warning signs, assess risk levels, and implement effective safety measures. Whether you are currently...

Safety Planning: Strategies for Domestic Violence Victims Continue reading…
Victim of domestic violence crying

Domestic Violence Laws in Texas: Understanding the Consequences and Resources

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects countless individuals and families across the United States, including the state of Texas. To address this problem, Texas has implemented a comprehensive set of domestic violence laws aimed at protecting victims and holding perpetrators accountable. In this article, we will delve into the consequences...

Domestic Violence Laws in Texas: Understanding the Consequences and Resources Continue reading…

How Can Domestic Violence Impact Child Custody Determinations?

Domestic violence can have a significant impact on children. It is no wonder then that domestic violence can also have significant impacts on child custody determinations. After all, the best interest of the child standard is the guiding star in these types of court decisions. A family law judge will make custody determinations...

How Can Domestic Violence Impact Child Custody Determinations? Continue reading…