Understanding the Role of Equitable Distribution in a Texas Divorce
State laws pertaining to divorce can get complicated. Texas seems to take this one step further. You see, states are usually either community property states or equitable distribution states, with most jurisdictions following the equitable distribution model. Texas, however, is a community property model that takes equitable distribution factors into account. Let’s see...
What Happens During Divorce Mediation?
It’s likely you’ve never heard a person describing their divorce as “pleasant.” Divorce can be best for everyone involved, but that does not mean it isn’t the signal of a major life shift and that can be difficult, to say the least. Divorce, however, does not have to be the all-out battle that is...
Does Texas Recognize Legal Separation?
Sometimes, there comes a point in a marriage when you start discussing divorce or separation. Legally speaking, these are two different things. Divorce is the legal termination of a marriage which begins with either spouse filing a formal petition for divorce with the court. Legal separation, on the other hand, is a court...
Serving Divorce Papers in Texas
The first thing to be done after filing for divorce is to serve your soon-to-be former spouse with the divorce papers. While this may seem simple enough, it is critical that service of process properly occur in order for the divorce to proceed as seamlessly as possible. Here are some details you should...
Using Forensic Computer Experts in a Divorce
The truth of the matter is that divorce rarely brings out the best in people. It is personal, emotional, and can have significant financial impacts on those involved for years to come. When people are facing such proceedings with these kinds of consequences, there are some unsavory actions they may take. For instance,...
What Happens to an Inheritance in Divorce?
Among the many things you may be worried about in your pending divorce, asset division is probably a big concern for you. After all, asset division can be highly personal, impacting assets you have acquired over the course of your marriage, as well as highly relevant to your financial well-being. Asset division incident...
Have You Heard of a Divorce Registry?
Texas, as a community property state, considers most property that was acquired during the marriage to belong to both spouses. Upon divorce, Texas law dictates that community property is subject to equitable distribution. As such, divorcing couples in Texas stand to lose a substantial chunk of their property in divorce proceedings. This may...
Who Gets the Marital Home in a Texas Divorce?
If you are going through a divorce in Texas, there may seem to be endless uncertainties before you. One of your primary concerns may be where you will live and who will get the marital home. The home is, after all, not just one of a couple’s most substantial assets, but also one...
What Questions Will Kids Ask About Divorce?
Many struggle with divorce. It marks such a fundamental life shift, a change to the core structure of the family, that uncertainty and other powerful emotions can run high. While divorce can be the best path towards a brighter future, it can still be difficult to go through. This is true both of...
Divorce Court Etiquette Guide
Even in the most amicable of divorces, it is likely that you will, at one time or another, need to go to divorce court. The judge will need to have you in court for a final hearing, at the very least. In less amicable divorces, it is more likely that you will be...