Texas Parenting Plan Requirements

A parenting plan in Texas is a legal document which formally declares the rights and responsibilities of each parent with regard to their shared child. Other states refer to parenting plans as “custody agreements” as the plan itself details things like possession, conservatorship, and even child support. It is often the case that a...

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Pet Lovers: Do You Need a Pet-Nup?

Nationwide, 85 million families own a pet, according to a recent National Pet Owners Survey conducted by the American Pet Products Association (APPA). Pets are an important part of the family for many pet owners, offering unconditional love and companionship. Few pet owners have likely stopped to consider what might happen...

Pet Lovers: Do You Need a Pet-Nup? Continue reading…

Orders of Protection During Divorce

How can an Order of Protection help keep me safe from violence during my divorce?Each year, more than 10 million people across America are physically abused by a partner, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.  Domestic violence can make divorcing from your abusive spouse dangerous.  If you are seeking to escape an...
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