Rushing to File for Divorce

Does it matter who files for divorce first?

Deciding to file for divorce is never easy. Divorce is a major step that will have an impact on your life. Once you have determined that divorce is your best course of action, you should consult with an experienced divorce...

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Bitcoin and Divorce

How can cryptocurrencies complicate a divorce?Cryptocurrencies have heightened tremendously in popularity in recent years.  Digital currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum allow internet users to purchase digital assets with relative anonymity.  Many users feel that cryptocurrencies represent the future of money as the currency cannot be counterfeited, allows for immediate settlement, can be accessed...
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Use Caution Splitting Your Retirement Accounts in DIY Divorce

Why is it difficult to divide retirement accounts between divorcing spouses?

In the internet era, more spouses are turning to do-it-yourself divorce as an affordable means to end a marriage.  While some couples may be able to successfully divorce on their own, there are numerous risks if you elect to undergo a DIY divorce....

Use Caution Splitting Your Retirement Accounts in DIY Divorce Continue reading…