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How long does it take to get a divorce with a mediator?

A traditional divorce can be lengthy, messy, and costly. Many couples seeking an alternative to divorce turn to divorce mediation. Mediation has become one of the most common methods of achieving a divorce settlement. In a divorce mediation, you and your spouse, and potentially both of your attorneys, will hire a third party to serve as a mediator. All mediators are neutral professionals who will work with you to resolve the central issues in your divorce. Divorcing spouses should consider the following facts as they weigh the option of mediation:

Mediation Can Save You Money

A traditional litigious divorce may come with considerable costs. Most in court divorces require several court hearings, which will amount to court fees and attorney’s fees. Mediation is generally far more cost effective than a traditional divorce. With mediation, you will meet with the mediator at least once to work out an agreement with your spouse. Most couples find that they will both save money by electing to pursue a mediation rather than a court based divorce.

Mediation Can Achieve a Divorce Quicker

A traditional divorce could last months and potentially even years when children are involved or major issues like property division are hotly contested. Mediation, on the other hand, could result in a divorce settlement in just a matter of hours. Most mediation sessions last two to three hours. At times, a divorce can be achieved in just one session, while other divorces could require multiple sessions. Once a settlement is reached, the divorce papers will be deposited with the court and the judge could enter a judgment within 30 days.

You Are In Control During Mediation

With mediation, you are in the driver’s seat, whereas in a traditional divorce a judge ultimately makes the decisions for you. You and your attorney will enter the mediation with a clear idea of your objections to be achieved. You then have the power to compromise with your spouse to reach a settlement that makes both of you feel comfortable. Many people like the control that a mediation offers, as opposed to an in court divorce where a judge could hand back an order that neither spouse supports.

Despite the many benefits of mediation, mediation is not the right solution for every divorce. Contact a divorce attorney for more assistance with selecting the best divorce tool for your unique situation.