Adopting a Child as a Single Parent In Texas
Adopting a child as a single parent in Texas can be a rewarding and transformative experience. Many individuals choose this path and provide loving and stable homes for children in need. By learning about the steps and requirements involved, you can feel more confident and prepared for this life-changing journey. Whether you...

Are Adoptions for Same Sex Parents Allowed in Texas
Texas, like many states, has undergone significant legal transformations to recognize and uphold the rights of same-sex couples. In recent years, there has been progress in securing equal adoption rights for same-sex parents. In this article, we will explore the current state of same-sex adoption...
Step-Parent Adoption Process
The step-parent relationship can be a special one. Step-parents can play a big role in a child’s life and can often develop a relationship as solid as anyone held by the child and one of their biological parents. In fact, many step-parents wish to pursue the adoption of a step-child to legally recognize...
Preparing for the Adoption Process
If you have decided to adopt, or are even considering adoption, it can be both an exciting and stressful time. After all, adoption leads to pivotal growth to a family. It is life changing in the most beautiful way. That being said, the ins and outs, the red tape and logistics, the wait...
Texas Adoption Process
Have you considered adoption? It can be a daunting process, but it may just be the most rewarding thing you do in your life! To help you out on your journey, we want to give you a bird’s eye view of the Texas adoption process.
Texas Adoption ProcessIf you have decided to move forward with...
What Is an Open Adoption?
Adoption has greatly evolved over the years. In the past, closed adoptions were pretty much the norm. A birth parent would place a child up for adoption and ties would, essentially, be severed. Through the years, this has left adoptees with many questions that will often go unanswered. Especially troubling can be the...
Adoption Requirements in Texas
For many people, adoption is an answer to prayers. Individuals or couples seeking to have a baby and unable to do so, those eager to provide a home for a child in need, a stepparent who can’t wait to be the legal parent of a child already loved, or pregnant teenagers seeking adoring parents...
Tenn. Governor Signs Bill Allowing Adoption Agencies to Reject LGBTQ Parents
In a controversial move, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed a bill that allows adoption agencies to refuse to place adoptive children with same-sex parents. The law, which already took effect, gives adoption agencies who believe that same-sex households violate the agency’s written religious...
What Are the Potential Challenges in a Stepparent Adoption?
Being a parent is full of joys and challenges. The unique role of a stepparent can present its own unique joys and challenges. A stepparent can fill an important and special role in the life of a child. It is only natural for a stepparent who has developed a bond with a stepchild to...