What is Bail?

You’ve likely heard of bail and have a vague notion of what bail is. If you are ever held in custody as an accused person waiting for their court appearance, however, bail will likely become a very important subject of which you will want to know much more. Here, we’ll discuss bail basics...

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Step-Parent Adoption Process

The step-parent relationship can be a special one. Step-parents can play a big role in a child’s life and can often develop a relationship as solid as anyone held by the child and one of their biological parents. In fact, many step-parents wish to pursue the adoption of a step-child to legally recognize...

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How Can Domestic Violence Impact Child Custody Determinations?

Domestic violence can have a significant impact on children. It is no wonder then that domestic violence can also have significant impacts on child custody determinations. After all, the best interest of the child standard is the guiding star in these types of court decisions. A family law judge will make custody determinations...

How Can Domestic Violence Impact Child Custody Determinations? Continue reading…

Understanding the Role of Equitable Distribution in a Texas Divorce

State laws pertaining to divorce can get complicated. Texas seems to take this one step further. You see, states are usually either community property states or equitable distribution states, with most jurisdictions following the equitable distribution model. Texas, however, is a community property model that takes equitable distribution factors into account. Let’s see...

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What is an Order of Protection?

The fear experienced by victims of violence, stalking, or sexual abuse can linger for a long time, perhaps indefinitely, after a certain incident occurs. The threat of harm too can linger for quite a bit of time. That is why there are certain legal protections victims can have a court put in place. An...

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