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It’s likely you’ve never heard a person describing their divorce as “pleasant.” Divorce can be best for everyone involved, but that does not mean it isn’t the signal of a major life shift and that can be difficult, to say the least. Divorce, however, does not have to be the all-out battle that is so often depicted in popular media. In fact, many couples manage to find common ground in the process of divorce mediation.

What Happens During Divorce Mediation?

In divorce mediation, a neutral party, the mediator, oversees discussions between two spouses seeking a dissolution of their marriage and facilitates them moving towards mutually acceptable resolutions to some of the issues that can be most contentious in a divorce. This usually takes place in an informal setting, such as an office conference room. While mediators are not there to make decisions and will not offer legal advice, they will help guide the parties to common ground on divorce issues including:

  • Division of the marital assets and debt
  • Child support
  • Child custody
  • Spousal support

When you have reached an agreement on these issues, the mediator will often go ahead a draft a divorce settlement agreement which will be filed with the court.

Why opt for divorce mediation? Well, it can be a lower stress, collaborative way to finalizing your divorce. There is freedom in working with your soon to be former spouse and a mediator in a setting where you can express your own ideas and what you see as a fair resolution to key issues. The court setting is vastly more rigid and stifling for these kids of thing. You also end up getting more control over the outcome of the issues incident to a divorce. Once you go to court, it is really out of your hands. Mediation puts you in a position of control over things that will have a big impact on your post-divorce life.

Mediation can also save everyone a substantial amount of money. Mediation is often much less expensive than going through a long, drawn out trial. There is also the added benefit of getting a chance to work collaboratively with your spouse. Trial is more likely to drive a wedge between the two of you while mediation can foster an open pathway of communication and preserve whatever positive feelings may still remain between the two of you. This is particularly important should you share children and need to co-parent even after the divorce papers have been signed.

While you may initial shy away from the idea of being in a room with your spouse as you try and work towards a mutually acceptable resolution to some big things, give it some thought. It may seem impossible, but you are likely going to be surprised at how much common ground you may find within the divorce mediation process.

Family Law Attorneys

Are you interested in divorce mediation? Reach out to the team at Navarrete & Schwartz for more information. We are proud to serve the residence of Midland, Texas. Contact us today.